2005.01.23. 12:09
CHAT Norelle-rl:
ANTM Host: There are lots of great questions for Norelle so let's begin. Hi Norelle and welcome to the chat. Are you ready to answer some questions from the fans? Norelle: I'm ready!
ILOVENorelle: Norelle! I can't believe you were eliminated! I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world! When you were in the bottom two, did you think that you were going home? Norelle: Yeah, I thought I was going to go, if it came down to me and Ann.
deuce: Congratulations on making the top 5. Did you think you would make it so far into the competition? Norelle: At the beginning I didn't think I would make it as far as I did. At the end I got a bit more confident and felt I would be around a bit longer what I actually was.
T_2: Do you think it was fair for the judges to choose Ann over you given that she's taken only one marginally good picture? Your pictures are far better than Ann's. What do you think the judges based their final decision on? Norelle: I think they based it a little more (when it came to me and Ann) on our walks. I think they felt Ann had a stronger walk and presentation than I did. Tyra said I was more amazing in pictures and Ann, live. That is why they went with Ann over me.
t: Norelle what was it like when you went to Tokyo? How is Tyra? Is she really cool? Norelle: Tokyo was really weird for me. It is a lot different than anything I was used to. Tyra was extremely cool. She is nice and has a good heart.
lova: Norelle, was the Japanese sweet you ate at the tea ceremony yummy? Norelle: It was gross! I didn't like it at all. It was weird. It was like sticky, thick and gelatiny. It wasn't even sweet, there was like no flavor to it!
nae: Norelle, I have to commend you because you are so beautiful and so sweet, I'm sad to see you go. My question is: what advice given to you throughout the show (by the judges, Tyra, Ann, Eva, Etc.) was the most helpful and still makes you smile to this day? Norelle: I think just that the judges and the girls kept saying, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." There isn't just one type of beauty. Some may think I am beautiful and other people may think I am odd. But that is not going to stop me in the modeling world.
anissa: Who was your favorite roommate? Norelle: Ann's my favorite roommate because she is so funny and sweet. Anytime I needed to talk about anything - boys, competition or when I was sad - she was always there for me. I really love her!
XTRAO: How bad was Yaya? Norelle: Yaya wasn't bad, just standoffish.
brownsugar: Norelle you have a nice personality. Why didn't you bring that to the judges? Norelle: When I was in judging, there was only so much personality I could bring. You are in there being criticized. I think I gave them as much personality as I could.
ILOVENorelle: Norelle, who inspires you? And what gave you strength in the competition? Norelle: All models inspire me because I love clothes. All models look different; they are like art to me. And my Mom gave me strength because there were a few times I broke down during the competition. She was my rock.
NORELLEandANNErock: Norelle, do you think if you presented yourself more confident and strong in person you would have won? Norelle: Possibly. It is really hard and intimidating standing in there. My personality - not that I am not confident - but I can't be like Eva and stomp in the room and throw off my sunglasses. I am a nice girl and I think that takes over.
Diva~Licious: How do you feel about the comment Eva made about you? Norelle: At first when I heard what she said I was sad because me, Eva and Ann were close. But why she could have said it about anyone, she said it about me. I think the competition was getting to her a bit and she said my name. I think the competition got to her and it was difficult for her to face the fact she might have gone home.
brownsugar: Do you think Ann blew the whole thing out of proportion with Eva? Norelle: I don't think Ann blew anything out of proportion. She values our friendship and stood up for me. And she was confused that Eva was saying something about me she should have been saying about her.
brownsugar: How are your feelings toward Eva now? Norelle: I love her. She is still a really good friend of mine; I have no hard feelings at all.
beanie: Hi Norelle...Obviously, you were the "pink positive" leader... How did this start? Norelle: It actually started when we moved into the house. Our room was pink and in the beginning it was Kristi, Leah, Ann and me. Kristi and Leah left early but were very happy positive girls and we wanted it to be as positive as possible because we knew it would get ugly as the weeks went on.
SouthSide: Is Eva as bad as the show portrays her? Norelle: No. I love Eva. She really is a sweet girl. I was around Eva a lot and got to see a side of her nobody else got to.
tkg5655: Norelle you are the most humble, how did you stay so nice? Norelle: I don't know! :-) I was just grateful for the whole experience and never let anything get to my head.
lova: Norelle, did you keep your edgy short hairdo? Norelle: I did! My hair is still really short. At first when it got cut I was nervous to have short hair. Now I get compliments on it. I like it and it is easier to take care of.
NORELLEandANNErock: Norelle..during the show you never walked in heels before, lol. Do you wear them now? Or are they just not your style? Norelle: I do wear heels now. But before the show - I am really tall, 5'11" - I didn't have a need to wear heels. I also had a boyfriend for 5 years who was about an inch taller than me and I didn't want to tower over him. So that is why I never really wore them before.
n: Norelle, in the very first episode, you talked about your "stepmonster"; has your relationship with her changed at all since the show? Norelle: My relationship with her hasn't changed. She hasn't watched the show and I am not in contact with her.
beanie: Hey Norelle, you rock, and I LOVE Hello Kitty too! What was your favorite part of your experience as a candidate on ANTM? Norelle: All of it was my favorite part. I got to do a lot of things, go a lot pf places and meet a lot of people I wouldn't have if I hadn't done the show.
wildcat: Are you currently single? Norelle: Yes, I am currently single!
shauna: Norelle, I like all of your pictures but the T-Mobile one you did look like a cartoon. Norelle: I liked it. I thought it came out better than I expected it would.
ILOVENorelle: What photo shoot did you most enjoy doing? Which photo shoot did you least enjoy? Norelle: My favorite photo shoot was the Lee jeans ad, as you could tell from the show. My least favorite was the spider. I actually broke out in hives during that shoot but they didn't show it.
SouthSide: Why does Amanda cry so much? Norelle: I don't know why Amanda cries so much. I guess I never really paid attention.
Erica: Hi Norelle, I thought you took GREAT pictures, did you feel the pressure of Japan was getting to you and may have affected your performance? Norelle: Aw, thank you. I think the pressure of Japan had a big part in my performance. It was a big place, really foreign and I wasn't used to anything. It was culture shock. I think that played a big part in my state of mind during the last week I was there.
tart: Norelle - I was in your corner from the beginning. Was it harder for you to leave the show or to leave the rest of the girls? Norelle: I think it was harder for me to leave the show. I really wanted to win and really wanted to be there. Leaving the show was harder because I could still keep in contact with the girls.
eVaLiCiOuS: We have a ANTM dinner party every Wednesday, and last night we cried when you got booted...we are all wondering if you still have strong relationships with any of the girls? Norelle: I still plan to keep in touch with everyone.
wildcat: Norelle, I think you are gorgeous! What did you think about the Japanese kimono designer, Kyoto Higa's comment that if you modeled in Japan you would be popular? Norelle: I was really shocked to hear her say that but also really excited. I was also really nervous because Japan was difficult for me. But if that is where I need to get my career started, I'll be there!
stilapixie: Norelle, you were my favorite! What were some of the best pieces of advice that J. Alexander gave for runway walking? Norelle: He told me to walk relaxed. Less is more. And not to use my hips so much.
moxfactor: How did you enjoy Japan? Did you get to go out into the city much? Norelle: I did enjoy Japan, the atmosphere. But I am not a big fan of Japanese food so that was hard to adjust to. That was the first time I had sushi. We didn't go out too much we mainly stayed inside because we were so tired from all the practicing we were doing.
N_E_Y: Who is your favorite judge, Norelle? Norelle: They were all my favorites, except for Nigel. He was my least favorite because from what I saw on the show and in person he wasn't a big fan of mine. Everyone gave me constructive criticism except Nigel. He didn't like me.
SHEWASROBBED: The Japanese judge said you'd be very popular in Japan. Do you plan to go there to pursue a career? Norelle: I do plan on going to Japan and pursuing a career. From what I have heard from people I would do really good over there.
T_2: Why did Ann latch on to Eva immediately? It seemed like an example of fatal attraction! Norelle: I don't know. I think their personalities clicked in L.A. and she got comfortable with her. They were a little team. I think Eva was her comfort zone while living in the house.
HELLO_KITTY_ROCKS: Norelle, I saw how excited you were when you got to model for Heatherette, I would've been too. What was it like? Norelle: It was the most amazing experience of my life. They are the most fabulous designers ever. Even though I fell it is something I will always remember for the rest of my life.
Dan_and_deena: What was your most embarrassing moment on the show? (Other than falling down during the Heatherette fashion show!) Canada loves you! Norelle: I think another embarrassing moment was when I said "Tokyians" because I wasn't sure what the people over there were called! That was kind of embarrassing.
beanie: Hi Norelle, I really thought you were going to win, as really I think you're the only one of the five that were left with actual potential. Do you think there is favoritism among the judges? Norelle: Yeah, there could be. There is favoritism everywhere. I am not sure there was favoritism or they just saw something in Ann they didn't see in me. I'm just not sure.
princesstsf2001: Who is your favorite supermodel? Norelle: Giselle Bundchen is my favorite. She has an amazing body and always takes amazing photographs. I don't know when but she was in the Elite model competition and didn't even make the top 15 girls. And NOW look at her! She gives me hope.
suzy: Norelle, does Amanda's blindness affect the way others see her, and how she performs on ANTM? Norelle: I think Amanda's blindness stirs questions in everyone's mind. Is she really that blind? Does she use it to her advantage? Do the judges take it easy on her because of it? That's what I heard from people.
Procyon: What do you think of models who smoke? Norelle: I, personally, think smoking is gross and no one should do it, especially girls. It makes your hands stink, your breath stink, your teeth turn yellow and then your lungs aren't pink anymore, they're black!
deuce: Yours and Nicole's transformations were awesome. Do you find us guys noticing you more? Norelle: I don't know if I am getting more attention from the new haircut or because I am on the show. But I am getting more attention than when before I did the show.
NORELLEandANNErock: Norelle, it seemed like you didn't click with Yaya well at the beginning, until after she invited you to dinner. Did you guys click more? Norelle: After Yaya and I had dinner we got to talk and I got a better understanding where she was coming from. My opinion changed. Before that she seemed standoffish and didn't want to talk to anyone. It gave me a clearer view and made me feel better about living with her.
guillermoluvsme: Norelle, who at home was your rock when you had a rough day? Norelle: In the house, I think Ann and Eva were my biggest supporters always encouraging me, never letting me get down, and always saying positive things. I don't know how I would have done without them in my corner.
MVP: Norelle, I'm your biggest fan! How was it like to climb those stairs and then do a quick photo shoot without any makeup? Norelle: Running up the stairs was really hard. Right before that we came from the military type course. From that, having to take a picture with no makeup was hard. The makeup part wasn't as much of a factor to me as was the look of being tired and how that was going to turn out.
guillermoluvsme: Norelle, seemed like you hit your head the most in the capsules. Was it nice to leave there? Norelle: I was so excited to leave the capsule. It was hard getting in and out of that kennel-cage thing!
belle: Norelle, how do you keep your body physique? Do you have a certain diet? Or do you eat like every other normal girl? Norelle: I eat just like every other girl. I actually never worked out until I got home, then just to tone a little bit. But my Mom is really skinny so maybe it is in my genes to be skinny.
AnnieGrrl: Do you think the term "Supermodel" is a bit intimidating? Norelle: I don't think it is intimidating. I think it is impressive you could get to the level to be called a supermodel.
Big_e: Norelle, if there is one thing you could have done, differently on the show, what would it have been? Norelle: I think I would have tried to present myself a bit more confident than I did. That might have helped me a bit more.
Who_is_going_to_win: Norelle, after being in a show like this is Paris Hilton still your idol? Norelle: I wouldn't go as far as calling her my idol but I really like her. I think she is really cute and pretty and I love her sense of style. Like I have said before, I don't agree with everything she has done. She's a really cute girl and I like that she doesn't care what other people think.
Southerngirl: What have you learned from this experience? Norelle: I learned a lot about myself, about people and I learned about the modeling world - it is harder than it looks. I have always loved models but I give them a great deal more respect than before. It is a very hard thing to do.
ILOVENorelle: Norelle, I was so sad to see you go tonight. You are my favorite! Are you going to pursue modeling after the show? Norelle: As soon as the show is done and over, it is the first thing on my list to do. It is my #1 priority to do now. I am going to do everything I need to do to start modeling. It is the one thing I am like, super-passionate about.
zxc: Norelle, what advice do you have for next year's ANTM girls? Norelle: The best thing for them to do is to stay out of the drama and focus on why you are there. You are there to be on TV and be a model, not get into the drama. Keep your values and try to have fun. Remember it is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
ANTM Host: I am sorry to say that our time with Norelle is up. Norelle thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the Top Model fans? Norelle: Thank you so much for everyone who supports me. I hope I didn't let anyone down. I am going to continue to pursue modeling. Hopefully everyone will see me in a little bit!
ANTM Host: Thanks for joining us everyone. Don't miss an exciting new episode of AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL next Wednesday at 8:00PM ET/PT. Then come back for another chat next Thursday afternoon at 3PM ET/12PM PT to chat with the next eliminated model. See you then.