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Interwiews : Nicole


  2005.01.23. 11:54

CHAT Nicole-rl :

ANTM Host: There are lots of great questions for Nicole so let's begin. Hi Nicole and welcome to the chat. Are you ready to answer some questions from the fans?
Nicole: Always!

nicole_was_cheated: Nicole, I feel like you were cheated (as you can see by my name.) How are you taking it? I think Eva or Norelle should have gotten the ax!
Nicole: It is always hard to be eliminated. But I am trying to have a positive outlook and use this for the future. I am taking what I have learned and will use it to my advantage later in my career.

risse_cup: Nicole, did you think that you were getting eliminated? :-(
Nicole: Once Tyra forgot that I was even in the room, that was kind of a red flag.

mande78: Nicole, I felt bad that everyone kept forgetting you last night. That was just wrong. How did that make you feel? Did you feel that you could possibly be eliminated last night because everyone kept forgetting you?
Nicole: I really don't understand how they could since there were only six of us there. That doesn't say much for their memories. But that is something I have to deal with.

darkeyes: Have you ever modeled before this show?
Nicole: Yes, I have. In the past I have done a Paul Mitchell runway show and a BedHead hair show. And several photo shoots with photographers. I also have photographers who are friends and they use me for their portfolios.

lova: Nicole, I was so sad to see you , that I cried!! :( Anyway, how disappointed were you to be eliminated?
Nicole: I don't cry very much and I cried too. It is sweet I have fans who cried, and my mom cried as well. There is really nothing fun about being eliminated.

crys3411: Nicole I just want to say that I think that you are the best and should have gone a lot further. I almost started crying when you got cut. How did you feel getting cut when it seemed Norelle and Eva both did worse then you?
Nicole: I felt like there was some sort of a bias against me and they needed a good reason to dismiss me. But I don't think it was fair.

Rubies: Nicole, do you think you were portrayed accurately on the show?
Nicole: For the most part when my personality was shown it was very accurate. At the same time I am not a wallflower and people got the notion I had nothing to say and no reason to talk. Really when I speak I want it to be meaningful. I don't talk to hear my own voice.

Model_Diva: Are you upset that they didn't give you that much airtime?
Nicole: No, I am not upset. I don't like drama and don't like participating in other people's drama, so why would that upset me? All they cared about was the drama.

rhonda: Do you think that age had a lot to do with the friction caused amongst people on the show
Nicole: I think age does have to do with it because when I was 19 I was different than I am now. I think the younger you are, the newer you are… Well you have years to learn maturity. I am not saying anyone was immature but they may have acted that way. It was like 20 and younger were acting one way and those who were older weren't digging it.

BIG~TYMA: Nicole how would you describe Yaya and Eva's personalities?
Nicole: Eva is really honest, to the point of being brutally honest. Yaya was really sweet to me. I didn't see what her she's being portrayed when we were hanging out. Yaya was real and we could have good conversations. Eva was playing the game, causing chaos in the house. But they were both really different.

jenicole00: How was it living in the house with all the girls?
Nicole: It was hell! I would never want to be in that situation again. But at the same time, it was fun. And everyone wanted to be the center of attention. It was tough trying to stand out with 12 other drama queens around.

crys3411: Nicole do you think they kept Ann, Eva, and Norelle for the drama? To me that's what it seemed like?
Nicole: I am not sure about that. But it is a good possibility. I don't know what Tyra has planned. There is more than just the drama behind those girls. They do have potential and have been working well on the show.

Callisto: What do you think about Ann being in the bottom 2 or 3 times?
Nicole: I think the judges wanted her to be there because she has been given more chances than the rest of the girls.

punk_rock: Yours and Norelle's transformations were awesome. Are you happy with your look now?
Nicole: I absolutely love it! It is really easy. I can wake up in the morning, mess it up and it looks great. No complaints here!

kristina_vi: Was working with Taye Diggs hard? Have you ever acted before?
Nicole: In high school I was in theater so yes I have acted. As for Taye Diggs, he was really approachable. He wasn't condescending or holier than thou. Yes it was nerve-wracking but he made me feel comfortable.

sexy_diva18: Who was your least favorite judge and who was your favorite judge?
Nicole: Well my least favorite was Mr Yoshi. That is when things went sour for me. My favorite judge was a tie between Janice and Tyra. Janice cracks me up and Tyra is so real.

crys3411: How did you think Norelle felt when Eva told her she hoped that she failed on the commercial? I saw you standing there with no expression on your face. Do you think that was uncalled for?
Nicole: I think it was a really snotty thing to do and I felt bad for Norelle. She is nothing but sweet. She was the last person I believe deserved to be treated like crap--especially from Eva.

anabelle: Hi Nicole. Was the food that you tasted last night as distasteful as your face displayed?
Nicole: Well, it is a pickled plum and it was really sour, almost bitter. Quite unpleasant! I wouldn't eat it again.

ladybug: What were you thinking about when the drama coach asked you what you were thinking about and you said nothing?
Nicole: That is a funny question because I might answer that if I was on the Playboy channel… But it was along those lines and that is all you need to know. :-)

lacaffeina: Nicole, do you feel you would have done something different to stay in the running, like be more outspoken?
Nicole: I think that I didn't highlight my sense of humor, which is cynical and sarcastic. At the same time, the past is the past so I won't dwell on what I might have done.

iLOVENICOLE: Nicole, how did you feel when you were up there with Yaya and the brink of elimination?
Nicole: I basically knew Yaya wasn't going. And after Tyra forgetting me I knew the decision had been made and I was just going to suck it up and deal with it.

kristina_vi: What was your favorite photo shoot?
Nicole: My favorite photo shoot was the diamond shot with the tarantula. It took an amazing amount of willpower to do that and I am really proud of it.

anissa: Nicole, who was your favorite roommate?
Nicole: My favorite roommate was Norelle because of her unyielding innocence and acceptance.

xx: Nicole, how did you prepare for your appearance on ANTM? Did you practice all your poses and walks beforehand, or did you come onto ANTM as a clean slate?
Nicole: I definitely had my fair share of time posing in the mirror. But for preparation I was more worried about getting my body into shape. That is hard for me. So I focused on working out and eating healthy because that is hard for me too.

Nadroji: Nicole, I think your retro roller-skate shot was dynamite, it's going to grace my desktop for a long time to come. Was it a difficult shoot?
Nicole: The shoot itself seemed easy but posing on skates and skating are two totally different things. That makes me really warm and fuzzy inside to hear I am on your desktop! If you remember, I fell a bunch of times so it was harder than it looked, I think.

tyrajr: Nicole, in the beginning Amanda and you seemed to be good friends, but lately it seemed like you were hanging with Yaya and Toccara. Are you Amanda still cool, and do you think Yaya acts a little superior towards others?
Nicole: I never saw the superiority everyone seems to see in Yaya. I never shifted who I hung out with. I basically got along with everyone and whoever I wanted to hang out with or talk with I did. Amanda and I still hang out a lot even though it didn't look like we did.

punk_rock: At this point in the competition , the judges seem to notice the divas. You and Norelle seem like nice gals. Do you feel you can find your inner diva for modeling?
Nicole: I don't know what the perception of a diva is. To me a diva isn't about being a bitch. That is kind of what I see going on--the bitchier and louder you are, the more diva you are. I don't think a diva should be like that.

danamy: I think it takes a lot of character to pull off bright red hair. :-) Are you still a bright redhead?
Nicole: Of course! I love the color! Red is one of my favorites and I am going to stick with that. If I am not a redhead I will be platinum blonde. And that's it.

princess: I love your hair, how can one go about getting it, and describing it to a hair dresser?
Nicole: I would just cut a picture out of a magazine and take it with you. That would be the easiest.

lova: Nicole, did the judges ever dog you about your height?
Nicole: I never got that while I was on the show. But for my height I needed to be thinner, so that probably tied in with it.

tyrajr: Was the process for auditioning for ANTM difficult, and did you send a tape in? Were you surprised they called you back?
Nicole: For the audition, I stood in line for 6 hours to get a chance to meet with the producers. I wasn't too surprised but more excited than surprised. But I wasn't expecting it either.

punk_rock: When you were in Tokyo, did you feel "lost in translation" like Bill Murray in that film?
Nicole: Yeah, it's funny. I didn't see the movie until after I left Tokyo. The scene with Bill Murray is shooting a commercial and the director is speaking long sentences and the translation was only two words and he was saying "Are you sure that is all I said?" Yeah, I felt like that.

2ThumbsUp: How is your pinky problem?
Nicole: Well my pinky has a mind of its own so I have to keep training it. Now I am more aware of the fact it does what it wants to!

redmuse: Nicole, ANTM lists you as a former punk rocker. So what did you do immediately before ANTM?
Nicole: I was working retail and I really don't understand the former punk rocker occupation thing. That was always a mystery to me. I was like "What does that really even mean?"

tyrajr: Were you scared of the spider in that photo shoot? What do you think about Eva losing it?

stilapixie: Nicole, was it really difficult to work with the tarantula and hold still with diamonds on you?
Nicole: I wasn't so much scared as I was unexcited to work with it. As for Eva losing it, I thought she was overreacting. But she was feeling what she felt and you can't get mad at her for being true to her emotions. It was moderately difficult because if you didn't stay still the tarantula would move. One time I got a tarantula claw to the eyeball. That was no fun! But overall I loved the shoot.

Erressea: Do you think that this season's group of girls would have been able to compete with last seasons?
Nicole: I don't know, honestly. All the cycles are so different from each other that it would really vary. So I don't know.

NicoleRox: Nicole, do you think they portrayed your real personality? Are you that quiet or they just edited that way?
Nicole: I think it wasn't the editor's fault. I might have been not as willing to show these judgmental girls I didn't know, my true personality. When I didn't know them, they didn't deserve to see my personality. But no, I am not that quiet in real life.

stilapixie: Nicole, what is one of the most important pieces of advice that J. Alexander gave you on runway walking?
Nicole: To be light on your feet was the most valuable and important to me. Also not to have a lobster claw hand, soften it up and look more elegant. I think those two could help even a horrible walk.

anissa: Nicole you had really nice pictures, how come you got so nervous to do the commercials?
Nicole: I don't think it was nerves. It was the most difficult challenge we had been presented with to date. Speaking Japanese was really hard. I don't think I was that nervous about it.

punk_rock: Nicole--your new look is cool. Are you going to stay punk rock?
Nicole: That is something that never goes away. I fell in love with that type of lifestyle when I was about 14. As for now I don't like to be labeled as a certain something--I want to be known as Nicole. So yes and no, I will keep some things but don't care about the label.

question: Nicole, what do you think about Jay Manuel?
Nicole: I think he really tries his hardest to make each girl look like a top model. He gets a lot of negativity form the public because they think he sabotages them. That isn't true. He is always trying to help them and is really positive.

lova: Nicole, during the La Perla challenge, Simon Doonan said you did a sort of cute 50s pinup. Are you 50s inspired?
Nicole: I love pin-ups and that was the ultimate compliment to me. I do have a fond reverence for the past. I am more like a 20s pin-up type of girl. I love the past and the styles of the past.

MECHELLE: Nicole, how has the experience of doing ANTM made you view the modeling world now?
Nicole: I think it really brought in my perspective on what the industry is all about.

AL: Nicole did you learn enough to want to pursue the business?
Nicole: Yes, I did learn enough. I have always wanted to pursue the business and what I learned didn't change that ambition. Also I want to try something else out since I didn't win this.

PlatinumCamel: Hey Nicole! Even though you were not "memorable" by the judges, you were indeed memorable by me. How is life after ANTM? Are you single?
Nicole: I do have a boyfriend but I am 21 years old--there are always more fish in the sea, I guess. Life after TOP MODEL is great. I think it can do nothing but help me in the future.

nycdesign: What was the most important thing you learned through all of this?
Nicole: Through all of this I learned you have to walk out with the same confidence you have when you walk in. Otherwise you hear so much that you will be depleted to the point it won't be healthy for you anymore.

Britni: What was the hardest thing you had to do on the show?
Nicole: The hardest thing for me was leaving. I really didn't want to leave; even if I could have stayed to do the shoots and not compete I would have been happy. But leaving cold turkey? I was getting addicted!

NIC_FIT: Nicole, personally I feel like you were robbed on last night's show. You are a beautiful and intelligent woman. I would like to know what your plans are in the future. Will you pursue a modeling career or go back to your job that you had?
Nicole: I will never return to retail--EVER! My future plans are to worm my way into the movie industry and I am not stopping there. That is more plausible at this point than continuing in the modeling industry.

ANTM Host: I am sorry to say that our time with Nicole is up. Nicole, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the ANTM fans?
Nicole: I'd just like to thank you for being so supportive. Whether you know it or not I have been checking out the chat rooms to see what people say. I love the honesty everyone can bring. I am blessed to have fans. I am still adjusting to it, to having people talk about me on a computer!

ANTM Host: Thanks for joining us everyone! Don't miss an exciting new episode of AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL next Wednesday at 8:00PM ET/PT.

/Bejrat :)/

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