2005.01.23. 11:46
CHAT Julie-rl :
ANTM Host: There are lots of great questions for Julie so let's begin! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with Top Model contestant, Julie. Are you ready to answer some questions from the fans? Julie: Yes I am! Bring it on!
MARLINA: Julie, so how do you feel about being off? Julie: I feel great! I am happy about how everything went.
Tisha: Do you regret revealing to the judges your true intentions for being on the show? Julie: I didn't have any intentions of being on the show--other than pursuing my dream of being an apparel manufacturer and model. I have no regrets because I didn't lie to anyone and I didn't lie to myself, especially.
Chrissy247: Are you interested in being a model in the future? Julie: Of course I am interested in becoming a model in the future. I want to pursue that as well as my other career. I am an ambitious woman!
rfan: Julie, did you realize you had basically cut yourself out of the game once you admitted your true goals? Julie: I realized what I had said and knew what the repercussions would be. I have no regrets to what I did because that is what I wanted to do. I was rather disappointed in the judges because I had other aspirations as well.
guillermoluvsme: Julie you were my favorite--I am sorry we didn't get to see more Indian flava this season, but who were the hardest and easiest people to get along with in the house? Julie: Well, I liked Amanda for her free spirited attitude and Eva for her wittiness. And I liked Cassie for her realness.
Tisha: Aren't you glad they didn't chop of all of your hair and then boot you off the show? Julie: That was actually one of my fears, that they would chop off my hair, make me look ugly, then say bye! I was actually happy about having the least amount of work done. I saw it as a compliment. Most had to have their hair redone and transformed into a whole new person and I got to stay myself. They liked that good Indian hair!
Sweetcakes: Julie, will this discourage you from pursuing your business or will you continue trying to get it started? If so I really wish you well. Julie: Yeah, I still plan on continuing my career in apparel manufacturing. Thank you for your compliment. I know I will get far because that is what I truly want to do. Besides, I have style! :-)
Leena_currygurl: What do you think of Janice Dickinson? Julie: Let's just say Janice Dickinson isn't one of my favorite people and she is not somebody I take seriously. She is plastic and no, she is not perfect.
Beatrix_Kiddo: What was the first thing you did when you got home? Julie: I would say that I gorged myself with chocolate cupcakes and laughed my ass off!
boy: If they didn't eliminate you Julie, how would you have felt if they had cut your hair in a pixie? Julie: I would actually have been very mad if they had cut off my hair because I would have thought they wouldn't know what to do with me based on my looks and wouldn't have any idea what they were doing. But I would have worked with it. I would have been a very bitter Indian!
Leena_currygurl: Coming from an Indian background were your family supportive of you becoming a model? Julie: At first, my family wasn't supportive because it wasn't a stable career, so to speak, as they see it. They saw it as a bad thing based on nudity and past experience. They are very concerned about reputation and status. But after seeing the show they thought it might get me somewhere. They were very proud of me.
Beatrix_Kiddo: What do you wish you had done differently? Julie: I wish I were more of a drama queen so I could have gotten more airtime!
Leena_currygurl: Julie you're awesome for going up there and representing us Desi Indian girls! I love ya! I'm so sad that you left! Julie: I am representing the Desi girls as much as I can and being malayalee.
Mystq04: Julie, for the time that you were there, how did you like the life of a " model"? Julie: Living the model lifestyle was very becoming on me. I felt more at home; I would say and knew what was ahead with modeling. I wish I could have experienced it longer.
guillermoluvsme: Julie, did you get to take any house souvenirs with you when you left? Julie: Yeah, I tried to jack the furniture--but they caught me! We were allowed to take some clothes home that they provided for us, but nothing too expensive. I was fond of this coin chair that was in the editor's suite, though.
Jolly1: How do you feel about the way Amanda told Cassie's secret to everyone in the house after she presented herself as such a nurturing person? Julie: When I first found out about how Amanda spilled that secret I was really upset. Not only had Cassie confided in Amanda, but me as well. I really thought the situation was blown up more than it should have been and it put Amanda in a bad position. She was trying to be a good person, so I can't knock her for that. But at the same time she wasn't supposed to be Cassie's counselor, just more of a friend.
missy: Do you feel any pressure to stay thin? Julie: Thank God, I was blessed with the good metabolism from my Dad's side of the family. I feel no pressure to stay thin--I eat literally everything I want to. I am an overeater as people say. It is unfortunate for people who have a problem staying thing, especially after doing something like this. If I am meant to get fat, I am meant to get fat. Thick is good!
Chris: Do you feel you were eliminated due to your body structure? Julie: What?! No, I don't feel that because they never said anything about my body. If you think so, well you are entitled to your opinion. But I think I am damn cute and my Momma thinks so too!
Jennie: Hi, I think you are so pretty. At the party that you didn't win and you had to be a waiter, did you feel like you did win? I saw you talking to the designer. Julie: I was happy that I got to meet Anand Jon. He is someone I look up to as a fellow fashion designer. I made the best of the situation, mingled with the people there, and showed up the belly dancer. So, yeah, I felt like winner.
Sweetcakes: Julie what was it like to have only ten minutes to get dressed in the back of the limo with the other models? Julie: It was hell! I had the hardest time getting ready, finding makeup for my skin, finding the right colors and seeing someone fly past me in the limo--someone shot across. It was hectic. And I was totally mortified getting changed in the limo. I don't like girls touching me and there were a lot of them doing that, so I was freaking out!
Moonchild: Julie, you're beautiful inside out. What's it like watching yourself on the show? Julie: It was rather embarrassing. I first looked at myself and thought I looked cross-eyed on TV. Then I would hear myself speak and think, "Oh My God, I sound like a man… but a sexy man!"
modelchick1: Hi Julie! Who was your favorite judge? Who was your least favorite? Julie: Least favorite--Janice Dickinson, hands down. Also the weird guy with the dog. Favorite would have to be Tyra, of course.
silky_3: Julie, what was the most exciting thing that happened to you on ANTM? Julie: Definitely going to Jamaica was the best thing that happened. I had the best time there. I am just a little upset we didn't get to hang out on the beach or anything like that. I could have worked on my tan! (And so could the other girls!)
Tisha: You didn't seem to upset after you were eliminated. Was it just well hidden? Julie: No, nothing was hidden. Everything I felt was out in the open. I was upset because I knew what I said and what the judges wanted to hear and I didn't give the correct answer. I was upset because I didn't get to do what I wanted to do. Unfortunately, I am not a crybaby.
guillermoluvsme: You come from a strict Indian background....how did your parents act when you came home? Julie: My parents aren't that strict, living in America for the last some-odd years, they have learned to adapt to American culture. They knew what I wanted to do and that I had the determination to do it so they let me do what I wanted. They were doubtful but at the same time supportive as well.
Coyaba: Julie, I loved your comment about watching out for the "curry lady" or "curry woman" during your interview... that was cute! Julie: I thought I was true to my word--"Watch out for Curry Mama." It was fun. It was the nickname the girls gave me for being the only Indian on the show. Plus, I was the spicy one in the group.
Leena_currygurl: How do you go about joining AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL? I'm really gonna miss you girl! Julie: Thank you for that. I am going to miss me too. I actually got on the show through the UPN website where I found the local casting call information. Coincidentally it was a radio show in Seattle where the five people they pick get to be the first five in casting call for ANTM. So I went to the casting call and won them over with my charm! (I swear I am not that conceited!)
gangstagurl: When it was down to you and Kelle did you think you were gone? Julie: I knew I was gone the minute I said I wanted to be a manufacturer. I was just mad that my hair looked atrocious on television!
FiReDnCr: Julie, one of your hopes for being on ANTM was to further promote a good image of Indian woman. Do you think you accomplished that goal? How do you plan to continue that cause? Julie: I think I broke a stereotype of what Indian women are, and going out and doing something out of the ordinary for our culture/community. Of course I am still going to be part of the cause. I am pursuing my career, which will make a difference. People will know who I am and know I am not an ordinary Indian.
danamy: What role do you think beauty plays in the business world for women? Beautiful women = more successful? Julie: Unfortunately that is how life is--looks get you farther. People like good looking people. But I am surprised Bill Gates is the richest man because he is not the most attractive man in the world! :-)
rfan: Amanda is getting so full of herself now, don't you think? Julie: It was funny to see her transformation from humble girl to diva queen! But she deserved it. She looked great with her new hair. I couldn't stop laughing when I saw her posing in front of people like Zoolander. There is more in life than being really, really, really good looking!
YaYaYaYa: Who is your favorite designer? Julie: I would have to say there are 2. I absolutely love Kenneth Cole and am a big fan of Alexander McQueen. He is a little strange but definitely a genius. I wouldn't mind doing one of his shows.
Beatrix_Kiddo: Whom do you look up to in the Fashion world? Julie: I look up to everyone who is in the business who had a dream to get somewhere with fashion and pursued it. I respect anyone who is a self-made entrepreneur. There are many eccentrics in the fashion world so there aren't as many to look up to.
Chris: Julie, were you ever afraid that Janice was going to attack or even eat you? I would be! Julie: No. I was never afraid of Janice. I would secretly laugh during the panels because watching her was pure entertainment and her comments were a bit exaggerated. If she had anything to say to me I would have been a bit of a smart-ass. Janice better watch out for Curry Mama!
go-Eva: You said you wanted to become a manufacturer, did you ever think of starting as a buyer for a large Department store? Julie: I wouldn't mind being the one to purchase the clothing and that is something I will eventually have to do in order to get where I want to be. So that is in the process somewhere. But I don't know who would be crazy enough to let me buy their clothes!
Beatrix_Kiddo: Was it hard to stand in front of the judges and have them evaluate you? Julie: Yes. That was actually one of the hardest things I have ever had to do--voluntarily stand in front a panel of judges who have to criticize me and how I look. I don't take criticism well, as my family knows.
Chrissy247: Out of the Swimsuit and Beauty shots...which one did you like the best? Julie: The pigeon or the hair pull? Hmmm. It was interesting. The swimsuit show was interesting because I didn't like how I looked. They saw something that I didn't. I will stick to saying I looked like a pigeon. My body looked great but my face was funky. I liked the second one better. It was a more natural shot. I wasn't posing as much and I was giving a cute little smile.
Britney81: For eliminations, the way you had your hair and your outfit were totally cute. How did you feel when they criticized your outfit and hair? Julie: Again it was hard for me to swallow my pride. I was very stubborn with it though. I think I may have been cursing under my breath--thank God the cameras didn't pick that up. I thought I looked good. I was going for a pirate look but they wanted me to change, which I didn't agree with. Janice must have had something to do with that. And that guy with the dog had no style!
missy: Last season some of the photos had nudity involved. You said your parents wouldn't like that, would you do a photo like that anyway? Julie: I figured my parents would get over it because they blessed me with good genes. I wouldn't have problems with a nude shoot but a more conservative family would.
paradice777: What did you gain from this experience that you think will help you out in life? Julie: I learned that I have to be secure about myself and have confidence in what I am doing. And I am proud of the decisions I made and I should stick to my guns with what I want to do with life. I walked away with a sense of self.
Tisha: Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to be America's Next Top Model? Julie: Make sure you know what you are doing and you know what you want. You have to be strong enough to stick with it! Don't ever, ever, ever let your ego get the best of you. Then you will lose your true sense of beauty.
ANTM Host: I am sorry to say that our time with Julie is up. Julie, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the Top Model fans? Julie: Have fun watching the rest of the show ...and don't forget about the Indian!
ANTM Host: Thanks for joining us everyone. Don't miss an exciting new episode of AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL next Wednesday at 8:00PM ET/PT. Then come back for another chat next Thursday afternoon at Noon PT (3 PM ET) to chat with the next eliminated model.