2005.01.23. 11:43
CHAT Jennipher-rl :
ANTM Host: There are lots of great questions for jennipher so let's begin! If you're just joining us, we're chatting live with Top Model contestant, Jennipher. Are you ready to answer some questions from the fans? Jennipher: Yes I am! Bring it on!
ANTM Host: Hi Jennipher, and welcome to the chat. Are you ready to answer some questions from the fans? Jennipher: Yep! I'm ready to go!
rawman17: Hi Jennipher. How does it feel to have had the opportunity to participate in AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL? Jennipher: It was a great experience, something that not very many girls get to do. I am very lucky to have done it.
Sweetcakes: What did your family and friends say to you once you made it home? Jennipher: Everyone was asking if I won or lost. Basically, they wanted to know what happened on the show.
Channelearrings: Jennipher, was it a mix of relief and disappointment after you were eliminated? I could see how you wanted to be there. Jennipher: Yes and no. It was relief after you get cut, because your stress level goes down. There is a lot of stress being on the show. And yes, I was disappointed that I got sent home.
crys3411: Do you regret writing the ANTM on you butt? Do you think that was bad judgment? Jennipher: Well, funny you should ask that. No, I don't regret it. They wanted to see personality, and those are the kinds of things I do sometimes to spice it up a bit.
Chris: You have really unique eyes. Do you think you will get some contracts for contacts or eye makeup, etc.? Jennipher: Thank you! I hope so. It would be nice to do something like that. A lot of people notice me because of my eyes, so that would be great.
lova: Jennipher, who was your favorite judge besides Tyra? Jennipher: Janice was my all-time favorite. She is spicy, quirky and down-to-earth. Even with her harsh criticism, I loved her to death!
Channelearrings: Jennipher, who were your favorite and least favorite judges? Jennipher: My favorite, as I said, was Janice. My least favorite was Nol. He didn't talk much and didn't have much personality. He was just a judge on a panel.
Channelearrings: Jennipher, what would be your dream modeling job? Jennipher: I always wanted to do ads for Guess. I remember seeing Anna Nicole when she was younger. I always wanted to do Guess and Gucci ads.
Jennipher: I also wanted to do cosmetic ads like Chanel and my all-time favorite, MAC.
day: How was it living in the house with all those girls? Jennipher: It was crazy. You get 14 girls together and three bathrooms. It was not good sometimes, but we had a lot of fun. It was kind of a little vacation for all of us, like a summer camp.
Channelearrings: Jennipher, what was going through your mind during the Dooney & Bourke photo shoot? Jennipher: I thought it was going to be a lot of fun. I knew how to roller-skate, which a lot of them didn't. I thought I would be better on that. I loved the wild makeup and hair. It was something different. I thought it would be an awesome shoot.
aranil: How did you feel after you pulled the ANTM prank and after the judges let you stay? Jennipher: After that elimination, I didn't think I would get knocked off because of the ANTM prank. I felt fortunate to be there and still be part of the show, but I didn't think it had anything to do with the prank.
lova: Jennipher, I could see the whole experience was exhausting. How tired were you after all was said and done? Jennipher: I was extremely tired. After I got kicked off, I slept in the whole day. They didn't give us much time to sleep when we were on the show, so we were just worn out.
Ann_s__1Fan: Jennipher, how did you like your makeover? I loved your hair cut and color! Jennipher: I do like the cut of my hair. But I hated the color and hated the fact they dyed my eyebrows. I feel I look better with dark hair.
Amy_2: Was Cassie's eating disorder something that you noticed or were aware of? Jennipher: We were aware of it because it was let out, of course. Her habits let us feel she was and then coming forward about it, we all basically knew.
katinka234: Jennipher, who were your best friends? Jennipher: My best friend, of course, is Leah, a very genuine person. I have other friends I stay in touch with: Norelle, Julie, Yaya, Toccara. I am friends with at least half the girls from the show.
Pink~Positive: Jennipher, who did you get along with most in the house? Did you and Ann fight a lot off camera? Jennipher: No, we actually did not. We got along fairly well!
ModelsChat21: I know we only see a portion of your day, but how is it living and competing with the other girls? Jennipher: Living with the girls, we actually had a fun time. The competition wasn't cutthroat. You could tell it was there. But we actually had fun, played games, and had a really great time.
aranil: What was Tyra like? My friend met her and told me that she was very down-to-earth. On television, she seems like she can come to anyone's level. Jennipher: She really is. She is like talking to your mother or sister. She is down-to-earth, caring, and like anyone else. You don't see her star status.
Amy_2: Was it hard having the cameras follow you through your every move? Jennipher: It was very hard. Sometimes you got really tired of it, because you have no privacy whatsoever. From the bathroom to your room to the kitchen, you are watched every minute. It was the hardest thing to deal with.
Channelearrings: Jennipher, what was your favorite photo shoot? And which one do you feel you did your best on? Jennipher: The hardest one had to be the Dooney & Bourke one. You had to roller skate, keep your head up, make sure the bags were there, so many things to make the picture look right. It was really tough. The best one had to be the Jamaica shoot.
Sweetcakes: Jennipher, after being in the midst of all the glamour, was it hard for you to snap back into reality once you made it home? Jennipher: Not at all! To me, even though we lived a luxury life, it didn't feel we lived a star status. I am not the type of person to let that go to my head. It was hard going back to Idaho, especially going back from New York.
Cheesedance: Jennipher, are you glad to be away from all of the cattiness that went on in the suite? Jennipher: Yeah, because it was stressful putting up with that every single day. So it was nice to get out of it for once and relax.
quennie: Jennipher you have such a great body. What kind of exercise program do you do? Jennipher: I work out on a target trainer, do cardio three days a week and follow a pretty good diet. Thank you very much for noticing!
leanna: What elimination before yours was the hardest? Jennipher: Probably Leah's, because she is a friend of mine, and because I didn't know the reasoning for her getting the cut.
crys3411: Jennipher, how did you feel when you were up against Kelle and she has been up there every week and they kept giving her chances? Then you heard your name. Did you feel like you should have gotten another chance and Kelle should have been the one to go? Jennipher: Of course I feel that way. It kind of hurts when there are other people performing worse than you are. It was kind of a slap in the face. I do feel Kelle should have been the one to go.
Pink~Positive: Jennipher, when asked your worst feature or what you don't like the most about yourself, you said your butt. Do you really think you have a big butt? Jennipher: No, I don't feel I have a big booty. I have a shapely booty! When it comes down to my worst feature, I would have to say my teeth. They are a little crooked, but they are getting worked on!
bananamodel: What was the big deal with your weight? What were their hopes for you? Jennipher: I am not sure. They told me to lose about 10-15 lbs. I don't know why, but I do know you have to be super-thin to do runway. I was in good condition and looked great. I don't think you have to be super skinny to look beautiful.
Amy_2: Do you think that Toccara has a chance to be ANTM? Will the judges be able to award that to a plus-size model? Jennipher: I think Toccara is beautiful, the most beautiful plus-size girl I have seen. She will get contracts and make it in the industry. But the show? With Janice not liking plus-size models, I don't know. But maybe she can turn it around this year.
tippyxoxo: Did you like being in the window? Jennipher: It was fun! We got a lot of attention, but of course you are going to be half nude. It was a different challenge, something I hadn't done before, so it was worth doing!
Dave: Jennipher, were you nervous about being in lingerie in front of the street crowd? Jennipher: Not really. I don't get embarrassed with too many things. (I showed my booty the week before!) So there wasn't much to it.
Channelearrings: Jennipher, how intense was the fight between you, Eva and Ann in the last episode? Jennipher: It was pretty intense. The others in the house were getting upset with what they were doing, so someone had to call it out. So I did!
tippyxoxo: Do you miss your long hair? Jennipher: Yes and no. I really liked having long hair. Not a lot of people have long hair, so it was nice. The short thing is fun, and I can do more with it. It's spunky, and I am working with it.
SexyC: Are you going to grow your hair back? Jennipher: Yeah, I am growing it back, but I don't know if I will ever have it as long as I did. I do look better with shorter hair, so probably somewhere in between.
Sweetcakes: Why is it that you guys pose the way the photographers ask you to, but when the judges look at the photos they have nothing but bad things to say about them (especially Janice)? I don't understand that. Jennipher: I am not sure why they did that. I was a little confused myself. We were doing what we were told, and sometimes that didn't work out when it came to panel time.
Chris: What do you think about Eva? She seems like a phony. Jennipher: Eva is Eva, and that is about all I have to say on that!
only1cent: I felt you really had an attitude when Eva won her challenge. Were you jealous? Jennipher: No, I wasn't jealous. I was upset how she acted when she won. There is a difference in being excited and rubbing it in people's face, thinking you are better than everyone. You're not.
leanna: What do you make of Amanda's blindness and her being in the modeling industry? Jennipher: I think it is really hard for her, but I don't think any disability should stop you doing what you want to do in your life. I think it is great for her to go the extra mile.
Notaphan: What is your relationship with Ann and Eva now? Jennipher: My relationship with Ann is fine. We're kind of acquaintances. With Eva, I haven't talked to her since the show, so we're just kinda there.
BritneyB: You were very quiet and to yourself, much like me. I loved the way you kept to yourself and didn't get caught up in the mess! Jennipher: I was there for the competition, so I kept to myself. I wasn't there to cause drama and was laid back. I think that may be why I got cut, for being so laid back.
NubianJenn: Now tell us for real. What is up with the judge with the dog? Jennipher: You know, I am not sure about that either, but something is going on that is a little weird. I like my dogs too, but that is a little much!
ComedyActress33: What do you think was your biggest challenge? Jennipher: My biggest challenge was probably trying to overcome their perspective of me, thinking I didn't want to be there.
Nicks: Jennifer, what are the judges looking for that stands out in a model hopeful? Jennipher: I am not exactly sure. Each girl was so different that who they choose will be different from every other girl, so I am not exactly sure. Hopefully, height.
Channelearrings: Jennipher, after the judges told you that you had no emotions in your pictures, did they ever tell you perhaps how to work and fix that? If not, it seems unfair to criticize and not help on how to remedy the problem. Jennipher: I have to agree. A lot of the time they told me it was fine, then they'd say something else. One would say it was great, and another would say it was awful. It was hard to please everybody.
Jennifer_2: Jennipher, I was so sad to see you leave. What kind of advice can you give me for being a model? Jennipher: I would have to say the biggest advice is to be strong and have an open mind. You will have a lot of negative feedback, and you have to grow stronger with it. If you let it get to you, you will never survive in that industry. And follow your dreams!
quennie: Jennipher, have you had any other modeling experience? Jennipher: Yes, I did some hair modeling for Maxius in Beverly Hills. Other than that, no.
silverj: What advice would you give for someone trying out for next season? Jennipher: Drama, drama, drama. It seems these days, for reality TV, if you have the look and put that drama to it, you'll make it. But be yourself.
ANTM Host: I am sorry to say that our time with Jennipher is up. Jennipher, thanks so much for being here to chat with us today. Do you have any final comments for the Top Model fans? Jennipher: Thank you all for your support and for watching the show. Thanks for all the questions. Hopefully you guys will see me doing something else very soon!
ANTM Host: Thanks for joining us, everyone. Don't miss an exciting new episode of AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL next Wednesday at 8PM ET/PT. Then come back for another chat next Thursday afternoon at Noon PT/3 PM ET to chat with the next eliminated model.